well my sister in law is doing much beter.  thanks so much for praying.  her dr 
told her family that with a bp as high as hers, most people have a stroke and 
also have a heart attack and die immediately.
she is doing much much better now.  they are working on therapy already with 
her.  ollie's right side is paralyzed, but her dr is hure her right foot will 
be back to normal, but not sure about her right arm.  she is having more 
problems with taht arm, but she is able to push down and move around with her 
right foot.
anyway, more news for us here....  yesterday i had to take my great grandma to 
the hospital.  she was complaining about chest pains, shurtness of breath, her 
ankels and part of her legs were swollen, and she was feeling queasy and shaky. 
 so i had to do a quick feed for anna-lynn, dash out the door and be with my 
great grandma last night.  i didnt get home till nearly 3 in the morning!!!!  i 
will be going back.  they have her on the progressive care unit.  they are just 
doing tests and observing her since she had mentioned her chest was hurting.  
it hurts her in the center, so i am guessing maybe bad acid reflux.  
anyway, we are just ripping and running and trying to keep miss anna happy and 
trying to feed her enough before i leave so she doesn't get too upset.  she 
won't use the sippy that much, but she loves her rice cereal and philip knows  
how to help feed her.
poor anna-lynn has to go to her 6 month old check up this friday!!!!  gosh, the 
shots are so so rough on her.  please pray in advance that she will do very 
well with these shots.  not sure if i really want to deal with sick throwing up 
baby and great grandma in hospital or at home and i have to check on her 
mostly!!!!!  please just keep us all in prayers.

may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
may we strive to do the will of god in all we do in our lives
martin family 
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