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*** This recipe has UK ingredients and UK measurements *** 

              * Exported for MasterCook 4 by Living Cookbook *

                            Curried Parsnip Soup

Recipe By     : 
Serving Size  : 4     Preparation Time: 0:00
Categories    : Soup        

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   2      Tbs           butter
   2                    large onions, finely sliced
   1      Tbs           curry paste, (medium madras style)
   5                    parsnips, peeled and sliced
   1      liter         chicken stock
                        one lemon, juice of
   4      tsp           plain yoghurt
   1      tsp           mint sauce
   4                    poppadums

1. Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the onion and cook until soft.  Add
the curry paste and cook for five minutes.  Then add the parsnips, chicken
stock and a seasoning of salt and pepper, bring to the boil and simmer for
20 minutes.

2. Liquidise and pass through a sieve, return to the pan, add the lemon
juice, check seasoning and keep warm.

3. Combine the yoghurt and mint sauce, season and set aside.  To serve
divide into four four bowls, garnish with the yoghurt and a poppadum.

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James Lanka

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