Amish Pie Crust
4 cups flour 
1T sugar 
1t baking powder 
2 cups shortening (or 1.5 cups lard, if you happen to have it on hand! ;) 
1t salt 
1/2 cup milk 
1 egg 
1T vinegar 
Mix dry ingredients, add wet ingredients 
This recipe makes 4 single crusts, and it freezes very well. What you can 
do  is mix it all up, divide it into 4 in the bowl with a knife, and put  
what you are not going to use that day into 1qt size freezer  baggies. The 
other thing good about it, is that when you do  want to bake a pie, you     
crust ready, and it  defrosts quite quickly compared to some other things. 
You may not have enough  room in your freezer to keep stuff, but they don't 
take up a lot of room,  taste great, and you don't have to guess with the  
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