A Pot Of Panatunies

As many times before, my gardening rituals brought about some thoughts. The 
other day I learned a lesson; but not one of which I didn't know about already. 
The lesson just became clearer because of my hands-on experience.

We have a large pot of panatunies growing in our back yard. You might ask, What 
are panatunies?

When our daughter was about 3 years old, she proclaimed the name of our 
petunias by combining the name pansies and petunias. We have used that name 
ever since to describe our petunias.

Just like roses, if you want more blooms to occur on your petunias, you need to 
snap off the dried up buds.

I don't mind at all deadheading petunias or roses; in fact it's rather relaxing.

But here I was working with this big pot of petunias, which are a beautiful 
deep purple.

As I was standing on one side of the pot, I picked all the dead ones I could 
see, and thought I was through.

However, as I began to move around the pot, I began to see more and more of 

For a while I thought I would never finish.

I began to lift up the stems to discover more underneath.

The result I am always trying to bring about, is to help maintain a nice 
looking pot of panatunies. This work always rewards me with new blooms.

A few days of laziness had got me to this place and I was paying the price.

The thought that came to me is that if we procrastinate, we pay a price or even 

We may have to do something over and over to keep the beauty of what we want to 

In other words, change your perception, your view. Heck, stand at a different 
spot if you have to. There are times (sometimes many) that you feel you're 
going around in circles picking off old dried blooms, but what you are really 
doing is clearing up old negative garbage and being persistent trying out new 

If you want your life to look and feel great, there are times that you may have 
to do something over and over while you're looking under your old beliefs and 
picking them off to bring forth new and vibrant ones.

Ideas with right action equal a great life, but if you don't feel you're there 
yet then go back to the pot of panatunies and start over again.

You will then find your life enriched with new vibrant blooms.

A single candle can illuminate an entire room. A true friend lights up 
an entire lifetime. Thanks for the bright lights of your friendship.
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