> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I'm just wondering: We just recently - last weekend - decided to "move
> > into the modern era" on one of our server boxes running RedHat Linux. Our
> > hardware selection was P4 2.6ghz, 800mhz fsb, with a gig of main memory on
> > an Intel brand mother board with integrated 1000 Base-T nic. Along the
> > way, I noticed that the bios has an option to turn on or off
> > "Hyperthreading" - which I presume is just a flavor of pipelining - and
> > the supporting documentation warns to not use hyperthreading if your OS
> > does not support it...
> >
> > OK, you saw it coming a mile away: What versions of Linux, if any, support
> > hyperthreading? If not, any idea when?
> I believe hyperthreading is fine with the latest kernels: you want SMP.
> However, I am not sure you actually have it: it came in on the non-Xeon
> CPUs when they reached/passed 3 Ghz, and I don't know whether Intel
> introduced new slower CPUs with it. The fact you have the BIOS option is
> a good indicator that the mobo supports those CPUs, but whether you have
> one is another question.

On the three P4s I just bought, there's absolutely no question: They have
hyperthreading. They're all 2.6 ghz, two with 533 mhz fsb, one with 800


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