On Mon, 18 Aug 2003, Richard Troy wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I'm just wondering: We just recently - last weekend - decided to "move
> into the modern era" on one of our server boxes running RedHat Linux. Our
> hardware selection was P4 2.6ghz, 800mhz fsb, with a gig of main memory on
> an Intel brand mother board with integrated 1000 Base-T nic. Along the
> way, I noticed that the bios has an option to turn on or off
> "Hyperthreading" - which I presume is just a flavor of pipelining - and
> the supporting documentation warns to not use hyperthreading if your OS
> does not support it...
> OK, you saw it coming a mile away: What versions of Linux, if any, support
> hyperthreading? If not, any idea when?
I think 2.4.18 of the linux kernel and beyond do so, and specifically RH 9
supports hyper threading right out of the box.  I have been using it on
some boxes supporting hyperthreading without any issues since the RH 9
beta came out (phoebe).

> Thanks,
> Richard
> P.S. In a similar vein: I know we _were_ limited to around 120gb disks
> with, say RedHat 7.2. Does this limitation still apply? (I vaguely recall
> it had to do with lack of support for ATA-133, IIRC.) If not, got any
> details? Thanks again, RT

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