I need to reopen this issue, as I had set it aside. 
I have installed rh5 with all the dev options except X-development. I have
written a very short piece of code that calls pthread_create() and
pthread_join(), and am getting what us Microsofties call an unresolved
external. I cannot find glibc2 anywhere on the system, and am baffled by the
-l link options in the gnu compiler. 
What exactly must I do to link these LIB's? 

By the way, my XFree86 system is down too, so I can't go to the "real" help

Thanks gobs. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cristian Tibirna [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, May 17, 1998 11:35 PM
> Subject:      Re: pthreads and Chapeau Rouge 5.0
> On Sun, 17 May 1998, Eric Fowler (Eastman Software) wrote:
> > (1) Does RedHat 5 support POSIX threads or anything at all like it? 
> Yes, glibc2 does. Then so does RH5
> > (2) If so, what additional libraries(if any) must I install to be able
> to
> > develop threaded code on this platform? 
> Any. Glibc2 comes with the system.
> > 
> > I'm only asking 'cause I can't find the thread APIs in the man pages ...
> > 
> Try the info system. It becomes little by little the doc. system of choice
> for RH, it seems.
> DISCLAIMER: it is very possible that I am completely wrong. Don't worry,
> I'll stand corrected, and you'll know it :-)
> P.S. That @microsoft.com address was just another joke or what? :-)
> -- 
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