On Tue, 26 May 1998, Eric Fowler (Eastman Software) wrote:

> I need to reopen this issue, as I had set it aside. 
> I have installed rh5 with all the dev options except X-development. I have
> written a very short piece of code that calls pthread_create() and
> pthread_join(), and am getting what us Microsofties call an unresolved
> external. I cannot find glibc2 anywhere on the system, and am baffled by the

It would be useful to tell us what error is reported (with a quote), in
order to us, Unixies to understand what's this all about. Unresolved
external should mean to us that You didn't include the correct headers?

Glibc2 is in /lib/libc-2.0.7.so .

> -l link options in the gnu compiler. 
> What exactly must I do to link these LIB's? 

Nothing. They are linked by default. I wonder if your system isn't tweaked
in some sort.

> By the way, my XFree86 system is down too, so I can't go to the "real" help
> files. 

:-) Any GUI isn't needed to access any information in the world you want.
The man pages are parseable in text mode, the info pages (I recommend them
to you) also, the html pages are viewable with lynx. Wonderful Unix.
You're not dead when X is dead.


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