>What's the word on the AMD K6 compatibility with Linux?

I'm running RH5.0 on a 200MHZ K6 and a Shuttle 569 MB.  I've
just used kernels that were RPMed on the RH site... seems
fine to me.

> The RH hardware compatibility guide suggests that there may be some
> problems with installing Linux on a K6 system. I just wanted to know if

This had me worried too, but I took the plunge figuring that they
were just being conservative.  The manual does say that you should
use the '386 options for building kernels to be safe... that's 
something I know nothing about at this time.

> anyone has had problems/successes with these processors and/or
> K6-compatible BIOS

My runs... I consider that a success!  8-)


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