On the note of companies just blowing off linux -  I've been chatting
with a sales rep at MetroWerks, who make code warrior ( a really nice

I asked her if they had unix versions - since the web page didn't have
any info for anything but Mac and Win95/NT.  She said sure, Solaris was
in the late beta, and AIX and others might come out after it - I
mentioned linux and she flat said no <shrug>:

         Wed, 27 May 1998 12:24:14 -0500
         Jennifer Finlayson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Ah, but are you going to support linux! That's what I use most of the 
>time on my systems were I do the bulk of my work. The sparcs are at 
>another office :) 


No, I am sorry but we do not plan on supporting Linux. 

Best Regards, 
Jennifer Finlayson 
Sales Development 

What's new in Pro 3 

Java Tools "Best of Breed" InternetWeek 

Jennifer Finlayson Phone: (800)377-5416 ext 4713 
Metrowerks Corporation (512)873-4713 (direct) 
Fax: (512)873-4901 http://www.metrowerks.com

I might suggest anyone who is interested in getting more comercial apps
ported to linux drop her a note and mention you would be interested in a
linux port ( assuming they can actualy right portable code - it should
take a few tweaks and a recompile to test things out.  Then make up some
binariy packages and your good as gold.

Oh well

William T Wilson wrote:
> On Wed, 27 May 1998, Anand P. Kale wrote:
> >             Does anyone has the idea if ORACLE is available on Linux ?
> It isn't.  But there is a sizable number of people at Oracle who think it
> should be ported.  Tell them you want it and it might do some good.
> I don't know whether the SCO version might run under iBCS.  I doubt that
> it would.
> Also please don't quote the entire digest in your post, it will cause a
> whole new digest to be sent out just for your message.  And will also
> aggravate everyone. :)
> --
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