>>>>> "jt" == Joe Tseng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  jt> Anyone here ever set up a news server with Linux?  What software


  jt> do you use to host the groups?  How hard is it to do?  I'd like

inn, from the Red Hat CD.   Unless you have particularly special
needs, in which case you may get away with using LeafNode or similar. 

(Are you sure your internet connectivity bandwidth is sufficient to
accept a full newsfeed?)

It's quite difficult.   There are many things to configure.
Basically, you install the RPM, replace the "active" file from one
provided by your ISP, edit every file in /etc/news, and then try
starting the server.

  jt> to do this to demonstrate to management that Linux is indeed a
  jt> viable system for the enterprise.  (In any case we need one.)
  jt> Any useful help will be greatly appreciated.

Well, news is problably the single most difficult internet service to
administer well.   You picked a hard one to start with.

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