Leston Buell wrote:
> I'm a newbie considering upgrading to a 17" monitor from one of those
> online auctions. I've read the Red Hat hardware support page, which doesn't
> actually have a section on monitors, but i want to know if the general lack
> of compatibility with Plug 'n Play applies to monitors as well. żDo plug 'n
> play monitors usually/sometimes have a non-plug 'n play mode which i could
> use with Linux or should i steer clear of any monitor which is plug 'n play?
> Leston Buell
> "Paradise is exactly like where you are right now,
>         only much, MUCH better."
>                 --Laurie Anderson
> http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/leston

I started using Linux 3 months ago, and I've never had a problem with my
PnP monitor, you do however have to make sure the scan rates are either
listed in your manual or on your monitor's makers' homepage.

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