There is no such thing as a Plug 'N Play Monitor.

It's just the computer manufacturers that are feeding on peoples lack of
knowledge to suck them into buying their monitor. They think (and with good
cause) that people will buy it because Plug 'N Play is supposed to be such
a 'great' thing. I (and most people I know), HATE Plug 'N Play "Everything"
(except for monitors =) It can cause such headaches (hence the term "Plug
'N Pray").....The industry really should have made "ALL" PnP devices able
to be NON-PnP buy way of LEAVING the jumpers on the I/O cards. Sheesh, this
is like the automobile industry coming out with a system that no longer
requires a steering wheel in cars (which would be somewhat cool). BUT then
taking the steering wheel out of the cars......I mean come on, give us the

ALL monitors are "Plug 'N Play"! (So to speak) Always have been, 'always'
will be! IMHO.
It either works, or it's broken! (or your using the wrong monitor for your
video card. eg. EGA verses VGA).

Don't feel stupid, your obviously new to this'll learn.


At 08:07 AM 6/17/98 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm a newbie considering upgrading to a 17" monitor from one of those
>online auctions. I've read the Red Hat hardware support page, which doesn't
>actually have a section on monitors, but i want to know if the general lack
>of compatibility with Plug 'n Play applies to monitors as well. żDo plug 'n
>play monitors usually/sometimes have a non-plug 'n play mode which i could
>use with Linux or should i steer clear of any monitor which is plug 'n play?
>Leston Buell
>"Paradise is exactly like where you are right now,
>       only much, MUCH better." 
>               --Laurie Anderson

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