> From: Maureen Beck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 1998 12:28 PM
> Subject: Re: beginner's question re RH 5.0 install
> Can anyone advise me on how to  install RH 5.0 from a CD-rom ?
> I get as far as the menu that asks what kind of CD-rom driver
> -- my CD -rom
> drive is a USDRIVEs 24DT . It is an atapi compliant drive
> attached to a
> Soundblaster card. My problem is: when I get to the menu, I
> am offered a
> choice of SCSI or "Other CD-rom"; the manual inidcates that
> atapi should be
> one of the choices. Am I missing something obvious? (please
> be gentle!)

The reason you are being asked is the CDROM is not attached to the IDE
interface so RH5.0 isn't sure where it is. Select "Other CD-ROM" and start
tring the most obvious choices, I believe that there is a Soundblaster
selection but don't quote me. :)
Either way there should be a ATAPI driver that should work as Soundblaster
is pretty well supported.

Paul Pettit      \      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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buy more seats. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun,
was reliable, five times as fast, twice as easy to drive, but would only
run on 5% of the roads. The airbag system would say "are you sure?"
before going off."
           -- anonymous auto industry analyst, Washington Post

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