Maureen Beck wrote:
> Can anyone advise me on how to  install RH 5.0 from a CD-rom ?
> I get as far as the menu that asks what kind of CD-rom driver -- my CD -rom
> drive is a USDRIVEs 24DT . It is an atapi compliant drive attached to a
> Soundblaster card. My problem is: when I get to the menu, I am offered a

The SoundBlaster "IDE" port used to be not 100% IDE compatible,
at least on my old Discovery 2x kit.
Don't know about the new ones.
I used at the time the sbpcd driver (actually I still do, as the
second CD drive)
My new IDE cdrom is connected to the IDE controller, had no
problems with it. It has no impact on the soundcard, if this
worries you.
If your CD is really IDE (quite probable) and you still have a
free IDE connector, try connecting it there. A newer motherboard
should auto-detect it.
And you can keep the small audio cable between the CD and the
soundcard, for playing audio CDs :)


Usually newer motherboards have 2 IDE controllers (each
supporting 2 devices) so you probably need to instruct linux to
use the third controller, on the sound card, if you really need
to keep the CD connected to the soundcard. Not sure how to do it
and if the shipped kernel has support for the third IDE (at least
it doesn't probe it by default). 


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