OK  Just moved from 4.0 to 5.1 and I've hit some quick snags.  After adding 
a couple aliases to my /etc/profile (alias ls= ls -color, etc.)  I can only 
log in as root.  No other account works, not my personal or my ppp account. 
 I don't understand it.  I've tried "passwd eric"  and all "tokens are 
updated successfully" but login under that username still fails.  I've even 
deleted it and reinstated it.  What gives?

One other minor annoyance.  When I do login as root, a message appears 
proclaiming that the system is going down on "Xtime"  (the last time I 
issued a shutdown -h command as root).  I've found the file, /etc/nologin, 
and I can edit it manually, but I can't stop it from reappearing?  Who is 
writing to this file, and how do I turn it off?

Thanks in advance.....

Kazan Software
Austin, TX

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