On Thu, 14 May 1998, Peter J Spalding wrote:
> I subscribe to PC-World magazine, and read an interesting article that,
> although, was aimed for WIN95 users, can most likely help us also.
> Page 278, "Unclog Your Net Access for Fast Relief"  June 1998
> Basicly, what the editor suggested, is lowering your Max MTU to a speed of
> 576 rather than 1500 which Windows defaults to.  Has anyone tried this in
> Linux?  I am going to go for it.  For more information, refer the the

Indeed. But what I find is that it creates problems with some routers. It
does improve interactive performance when you have several streams going
at the same time, but at the expense of reliability. Sometimes HTTP
connections seem to just freeze in midstream, and RealAudio starts
staggering and halting and sounding worse than you'd ever think it could

Eric Lee Green   [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Executive Consultants
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