On Thu, 2 Jul 1998, RHS Linux User wrote:
->RedHat provides an excellent distribution for technical types but it
->occurs to me their is an opportunity
->for them to start to fill the Home market niche now.

*** There is one thing that I see regularly come back and which I really
don't understand: Where does this urge come from for some people to try to
make everything accessible to Joe Sixpack!? Why is that part of the total
world population always the one who is used as an example and why is
everybody tring to serve him?

Everybody is constantly complaining about Windows 95 and then proposing to
make Linux go the same way. I don't see any logic in this. If people
proposing this are really concerned with the home computer market, try
rather to push the Mac for home use if you want to help Mr & Mrs. Sixpack.

Why would a general home PC user need Linux? Look around you and try to
understand what kind of users you're talking about. These are people who's
biggest problem is to find the power-on button. How many of them install
the OS them self? If they buy Compaq home crap it's because it comes
pre-configured. Installing Windows is for this kind of users allready too
much. What the he** do they need Linux for!!? What they need is an OS for
which they can by loads of programs that they will use 3 times and then
put in the cupboard.

The funniest thing is that simplifying Linux comes most of the time from
new users who are eager to start using it but don't want to spend the time
learning it. Tipically a sign of modern times - we want everything and we
want it now - where learning and spending time on something is a dirty
word. Let's get real. If you want a fast byte go to McDonalds (if your
stomach can stand it), if you want to go out and have a nice dinner go to
a real restaurant...but don't try to make "McDonalds" out of everything. 


If it says "requires Windows 95 or better", install Linux.

Mailed with Linux & Pine.

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