On Fri, 27 Mar 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>       I agree. I personaly don't like Windoze, but there are thing
> Linux can learn from MS: mainly, some easy to use interfaces that can
> help those who just bought Linux to configure their machines and learn
> the basics, so they would be able to go deeper after that.. 

        The basic problem with all this is that Linux is NOT a desktop OS
like Win3/95 or OS/2 or the Mac.  It's a high end server OS.  It's not
even in the same category as Win95.  If you've tried to install NT you
know that it is much more difficult than installing 95.  And Linux is to
NT what the SST is to the Wright Brothers plane (yes, that is my quote) so
the inherent level of complexity will always be greater no matter what you
try to do to make it easier. 

        It's like apples and oranges.

"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for you are crunchy and taste
good with ketchup."

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