On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Steve "Stevers!" Coile wrote:

> On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Greg Thomas wrote:
> [...]
> >So they get a job or something where there are Linux machines and they
> >go and try md and it isn't there, they're gonna go crazy, right?  Wrong?
> But that's already going to be the case.  Every variant of UNIX (and thus
> Linux) is different somehow.  There's always going to be some degree of
> confusion moving between UNIX and Linux variants.

Well, if the GNU tools were everywhere this would be less of a problem,
and there's no reason they can't be.

> Another way to look at this: if organizations like Red Hat (and Caldera,
> and Debian, ...) don't make an effort to improve the UNIX user interface,
> who will?  Are we to hope that UNIX will have the same, cryptic interface
> in 10 years that it has today, or should we hope that it will improve?

This is simple a matter of learning. I've been using *nix for a while, and
I no longer consider the command line cryptic. In fact, I like it. You can
do more tasks more quickly with a good command line interface. To me, the
command prompt is my faithful servant, waiting to do my bidding on a
moments notice. 

The real question is whether or not we can have an interface that is best
suited for both the new user and experienced user alike. I'm not sure this
is possible, so both types of interfaces should be present.

> >I really liked the idea of putting a little message in the alias telling
> >the user that it was a DOS command, they could then either get rid of
> >the message and continue using md or they could start using mkdir.
> Ick.

I like this idea. It would be a good weaning tool.

Keith Dart, Devtest Engineer                   <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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