Hello !!!

On Sun, 3 May 1998, Webmaster wrote:

> I just upgraded my kernel to 2.0.33. I think all went well except for the following 
>YP problems.
> When I boot up my Linux box things seem to work fine until this point...
> Starting YP server services
> !! NWSERV   0:PANIC !!
> NWSERV   0:EMUTLI:init_ipx:Invalid argument
> ypserv
> Starting YP password services: rpc.yppasswdd
> What is YP anyway and how can I fix these errors.

#rpm -qpi ypserv-1.1.7-1.i386.rpm

Description :
ypserv is an implementation of the standard NIS/YP networking
protocol.  It allows network-wide distribution of hostname, username,
and other information databases

You don't need this, unless you're running a server which is connected 24h
to internet(should I write Internet or internet???) or am I wrong???
You can fix this by removing this package!


        xxxxxx                           //////
        xx  xx                          ( o o )
        xx  xx        /------------oOO-----O-----OOo------------\
         xxxx         |           From: Iztok Polanic           |
        xx  xx        |  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
       xx    xx       |      WWW: http://kotzi.home.ml.org      |
      xx      xx      \-----------------------------------------/

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