On Sun, 3 May 1998, Webmaster wrote:

> I just upgraded my kernel to 2.0.33. I think all went well except for the following 
>YP problems.
> When I boot up my Linux box things seem to work fine until this point...
> Starting YP server services
> !! NWSERV   0:PANIC !!
> NWSERV   0:EMUTLI:init_ipx:Invalid argument
> ypserv
> Starting YP password services: rpc.yppasswdd
> What is YP anyway and how can I fix these errors.

Actually, the problem doesn't lie in YP. (YP is the old name for NIS, it
used to stand for Yellow Pages, but that is trademarked someplaces, so...)
NIS is a protocol that lets you set up all your user account information,
and a few other things, on one host and have other hosts validate logins,
etc., via that host. Anyway, the problem is in the NWSERV (Mars NetWare
Emulator). I believe the package name is mars-nwe. If you have no reason
to run a NetWare emulator, then go ahead and remove this package or tell
it not to start (use the ntsysv tool). If you DO need the NetWare
emulator, it sounds like you compiled your kernel with support for IPX
turned off, so you would need to recompile your new kernel with IPX turned
on. Hope this helps.


| Jakob 'Sparky' Kaivo        |          [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| NoDomainName Networks       |    http://www.nodomainname.net |

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