>That is exactly what I am getting at.
>Firewalling is NOT something your average user does.

So that user ends up getting attacked and possibly entered.  If I read
the press release correctly, some firewalling stuff is turned on automatically
now.  If that is indeed true, that is even more reason to have that in the
configuration guide... for those of us who need to reconfigure it.

Like I said, no mention, no nothing.  Not good.

BTW, if it were in the manual, like it should be, maybe the user who doesn't
do good firewalling will read that section and understand that maybe s/he
should be doing that as well.

Sorry, but I will not be persuaded that the section should not be there.

    Bart: Hey, why is it destroying other toys?  Lisa: They must have
    programmed it to eliminate the competition.  Bart: You mean like
    Microsoft?  Lisa: Exactly.  [The Simpsons - 12/18/99]
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