This is how I can it to work now...

I login as root
su to my username
xhost + localhost
and then run Circus (the IRC program) and don't get the error anymore .

So far, its working well for me.  Thanks for all the help.

---impu choudhury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Tony,
>      Hi Tony, yup, you guessed it, I tried those before but didn't
> work....  this is my second install (as somebody suggested that
> something was wrong ;))  There must be a thing I'm not doing right...
> Anyhow, I answered to your advice...see if you think of something
> else...thanks..  
> Tony: You need to edit /etc/group to do this (can't remember if the X
> tools will do this as
> well). So the line in /etc/group will read:
> > ppp:<all the usual junk> yourlogin
> impu: Yes, mine read:
> PPP:PbwLx7WbV9Zdw:503:root,impu  -> (;-)) I don't care if I gave away
> password)
> Tony: Until you get it fixed, there is a simple workaround.  Login as
> root, get your PPP connection up, then type:
> su - yourlogin
> At which point, you should be logged in as yourself, and can IRC
> happily. :-)
> impu: But unfortunately, I get this error as soon as I try to launch
> cIRCus (IRC)
> Using cIRCus resource directory: /usr/lib/circus
> Xlib: connection to "localhost.localdomain:0.0" refused by server
> Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
> couldn't connect to display "localhost.localdomain:0.0"
> While I run it just fine while logged on as root.
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