
My responses to your feedback are embedded below.

James Gould
Distinguished Engineer

12061 Bluemont Way
Reston, VA 20190 <> 

On 1/7/18, 8:35 PM, "regext on behalf of Patrick Mevzek" 
< on behalf of> wrote:

    On Tue, Jan 2, 2018, at 15:11, Gould, James wrote:
    > I believe the only fields missing include the 
    > reference to the RDDS services (WHOIS, RDAP).  To keep the organization 
    > generic, this could be defined as a list of servers that may be set for 
    > an organization.
    This list of servers will have absolutely no meaning for organizations not 
being registrars.
    So the extension cease to be generic.

I don’t believe registrars are the only organizations that may have a list of 
typed servers used for services.  I would classify RDDS as a form of a service 
provided by a registrar.  These servers are not limited to RDDS.  Defining the 
RDDS servers is a concrete use case for a registrar organization that can be 
met by defining a generic mechanism that can apply to all organizations.  
    > I’m not asking or proposing a requirement to implement the org 
    > extensions, 
    (I fear however that this could be a future outcome, if the use of the
    extension becomes mandatory to conduct transfers).
I wouldn’t hinder the technical discussions based on a hypothetical future 
policy decision.  
    > but asking whether with the org extensions over the secure 
    > EPP protocol would be a better option than registrars getting 
    > information from the registries via an insecure channel that may become 
    > further restricted. 
    I am not saying the contrary, but:
    - I think that the feature can be done otherwise/by other extensions
    - I do not want this extension to be suddenly perceived as absolutely 
    because it is tied to the proper handling of transfers between registrars.
    I note that there was never a suggestion in the past if my memory works to 
introduce an 
    extension to store registrars, so maybe the need to do that to better 
handle transfers
    was not obvious.
    There was for resellers, and then later it transformed
    into a generic organization handling.

I’m not sure why you’re opposed to considering the use of the org extensions 
for the registries to provide registrar information that they already have over 
a secure channel in the support of transfers.  We started with reseller that 
was pushed by the working group to be more generic to cover organizations like 
registrars, and now there is a concern about making it a requirement to solve a 
problem around transfers.
    > If the registries do have the registrar 
    > information, then why can’t the registries provide the information over 
    > EPP to the registrars to support transfers?      
    They sure can. And maybe should. But we lived many years without that 

Yes, that is true, but access to RDDS may be changing, other extensions to 
provide Whois information (e.g., Verisign’s Whois Info Extension) have been 
created for transfers, and we can provide a more standard, secure, and 
extensible model to support transfers other than requiring registrars to access 
a separate non-secure registry channel with Whois.   
    > Why would you propose to create many small, targeted extensions to cover 
    > specific use cases instead of leveraging a more generic extension that 
    > is itself extensible (e.g., roles and servers) to support many use 
    > cases.
    I'm inclined to the Unix philosophy of having many small tools that
    you can compose to produce what you need instead of a monolithic one
    trying to cover all cases and finally not being good in any case.
    I am not proposing to create other extensions because, as you already
    stated there is already one extension existing covering exactly the use
    case you are speaking about. As I said previously I would far more favor
    works towards making the existing extension a true standard used by multiple
    Does Verisign plan to stop using its own extension and using instead
    the generic organization one we are talking about here if it includes
    the changes related to registrars whois/rdap servers?

I don’t consider the organization extensions as monolithic in any way, but 
simply consolidating a potentially large set of small non-standard extensions 
into two extensions (org object extension and org command response extension) 
that provides an extensible framework.   My hope is that we can come to 
agreement on a set of useful EPP extensions that can be standardized as opposed 
to encouraging a soup of proprietary extensions.  The transition of proprietary 
extensions to standard extensions can be handled on a case-by-case basis. 

    > I agree that the registrar information is best defined in a central 
    > registry as opposed to be replicated to each of the registries. 
    So I think this is the true issue to tackle but probably outside of this 
    group charter and also far more difficult, as not only purely technical 
    I would theoritically prefer to see more energy spent on solving this issue
    at a generic level instead of hoping to solve it just with an EPP extension.

The centralization of authoritative registrar data is architectural and is 
out-of-scope for this working group.  The registries currently have the 
registrar data and will need to continue to have it for the foreseeable future. 
 The org extensions can be leveraged based on the current architecture and can 
be used going forward for registrar data.  

    > I believe 
    > the point is that the registrars may need to know the sponsoring 
    > registrar information to support the transfer policy, and the org 
    > extensions provide the most secure and stable mechanism for this.
    So you are saying that the current EPP WhoisInfo extension designed to help 
    conduct transfers is not suited to do that?

The Verisign Whois Info Extension does help registrars conduct transfers, but 
would need to be revised to support a reference to RDAP and potentially other 
information that is needed to support transfers in the future.  Since org is an 
EPP object, it can be easily extended to support new and changing information 
via command / response extensions without having to extend the thousands or 
millions of provisioning objects (e.g., domains, hosts, contacts).  All that is 
needed for the provisioning objects is to define the registrar role 
(draft-ietf-regext-org-ext) using an identifier that can be leveraged in a 
standard way to obtain the extensible registrar information.  Just think about 
how many schemes (IANA ID, internal ID) are used for the clID element 
(domain:clID, host:clID, and contact:clID) and how the clID can’t be used to 
lookup any additional information.  The orgext:id element in 
draft-ietf-regext-org-ext provides a typed identifier by an extensible set of 
roles that can be leveraged to lookup an extensible set of information defined 
in draft-ietf-regext-org.  
      Patrick Mevzek
    regext mailing list

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