On 16 Nov 2023, at 15:34, Andrew Newton <a...@hxr.us> wrote:

> Consider a network operator
> writing a shell script using curl and jq to find the most specific
> covering networking of an IP. Using the bootstrap files requires
> downloading the appropriate file (there are different ones for v4 and
> v6), sorting the service hosts by "http" scheme, and using an advanced
> dsa such as a trie or modified bst. Plus to be a good netizen, they
> need to deal with the cache-control of the bootstrap file. Or they can
> point curl at a redirect service and not worry about all that. That
> is, the bootstrap process is doable but it is certainly non-trivial.
> For constrained environments a local bootstrap service is beneficial
> as it cuts down on the bandwidth/latency of every client grabbing the
> bootstrap files.

To add some data to Andy’s anecdote, the rdap.org service, which I run, 
currently handles around 10 million requests per day. Every request which is 
for a resource for which an RDAP URL can be constructed results in a redirect, 
so it’s clearly something that many implementers (such as those using curl + 
jq) rely on.


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