
                 Summary: Submission of RAF Game
                 Project: Gna! Administration
            Submitted by: sreckotoroman
            Submitted on: Wednesday 01/17/2007 at 17:05
                  Status: None
         Approval Status: None
         Should Start On: Wednesday 01/17/2007 at 00:00
   Should be Finished on: Saturday 01/27/2007 at 00:00
                Category: Project Approval
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any



A new project has been registered at Gna! 
This project account will remain inactive until a site admin approves or
discards the registration.

= Registration Administration =

While this item will be useful to track the registration process, *approving
or discarding the registration must be done using the specific Group
Administration <https://gna.org/siteadmin/groupedit.php?group_id=2039> page*,
accessible only to site administrators, effectively *logged as site
administrators* (superuser):

* Group Administration

= Registration Details =

* Name: *RAF Game*
* System Name:  *rafgame*
* Type: Programs
* License: GNU General Public License V2 or later


==== Description: ====
We are working on a college project - 2D Java game engine - which purpose is
to educate new students about event based programming, scripting and object
oriented programming. We use ksh scripting, png images and other free
technologies. All of them are/will be released under GNU license - we won't
limit anybody from doing anything with our work - the purpose of it is only
educational (for us). 

Currently, our project has reached version 2, and by now we get more and more
participants and that is the reason we came to you because we need a good host
and we want to popularize our project. We would also like to  popularize linux
since this game works perfectly on our Debian computers. Since it is platform
independent you can be sure it will work on GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris and other
Java supported platforms.

Our current work cannot be downloaded since it is hosted on our faculty's
private server :( If it is necessary, I will upload the code soon somewhere.
We have few simple games, few sample images and completed engine with basic
functions. I hope you will accept our project. I can provide detailed
description if needed. Thank you very much.

PS: I can email you the source, just give me your email

==== Other Software Required: ====


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