On Wed, 09 Jan 2002 11:18:28 PST, "W. Wilson Ho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:
>       Has anyone tried using ReiserFS on iSCSI disk (SCSI over TCP/IP)? 
> Basically, can ReiserFS handle a logical device that has long 
> write delay, and writes that might be cached (or reordered) for a 
> much longer time than physical disk?

Well, not having looked at the code, a few things can be inferred just
on the basis of "how things have to work":

1) Long delays should just make things look slow.

2) Cached writes should look OK as long as things are working.

3) You can be severely hosed if you get caught with an outage on a large
write cache - anything that the disk has said was written but is in fact
still in a cache can be an issue....

There's no "new" issues here, just a greater exposure to very old issues.
(How old?  Hint - when was the *first* fsck written? ;)

Having said that, you should certainly see if you can configure your iSCSI
to delay reporting a write as complete until it's actually committed to the
platters - that will close most of the race conditions (at the cost of
write performance).

                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Operating Systems Analyst
                                Virginia Tech

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