On 2002-01-09T11:18:28,
   "W. Wilson Ho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>       Has anyone tried using ReiserFS on iSCSI disk (SCSI over TCP/IP)? 
> Basically, can ReiserFS handle a logical device that has long 
> write delay, and writes that might be cached (or reordered) for a 
> much longer time than physical disk?

The theory is that iSCSI does nothing like this; especially not the reordering
part, that would be a definite violation of the standard. 

And I am pretty sure that ACKing a write which wasn't permanently committed
(either to disk or NVRAM etc) would violate the standard pretty badly too and
make the thing behave just like IDE ;-)

So, where did you get the ideas that iSCSI does all these nasty things? ;-)

The "longer time than physical disk" depends on your connectivity; with GigE,
this should be barely noticeable, if at all. iSCSI isn't meant for
long-distance, high latency, low bandwidth links I am pretty sure.

What are you trying to do?

As a hand-waving guess, it sounds like you want to store your data far away
for disaster recovery purposes? In this case, I would suggest doing either
remote backups or checking out DRBD (on http://www.linbit.com/), a network
mirroring block device.

    Lars Marowsky-Brée <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Perfection is our goal, excellence will be tolerated. -- J. Yahl

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