Mike Hodson wrote:

>I am not a member of Namesys, nor a partner, nor even a business
>affiliate. I just happen to use their ReiserFS filesystem on my computer.
>This is how I recieved your unsolicited commercial message. Hundreds if
>not Thousands of others have also recieved your message, and I don't
>think very many are happy with you spamming a technical support
>discussion mailing list.
>Not only have you selected an entirely wrong email address to send such
>a message to, you also have decreased the respect for many people on the
>list who might, just might, have considered your services for domain
>I am forwarding a copy of your email to the abuse departments of the isp
>you are hosted at, as well as netblock owners and technical /
>administrative contacts of your domain and any affiliate domains I can
>find, with the instructions to have them research this and do whatever
>they can to make it stop.
>I also ask anyone who cares about spam content on the discussion list to
>do the same. Maybe these unsolicited commercial emails will stop.
>Mike Hodson
You can tell anyone you wish to that I have fully authorized you to 
complain on behalf of Namesys in this regard, and if you can get the FBI 
to actually go after them for spamming, I'll sign the formal complaint.


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