On Wed, 2004-03-24 at 19:47, Bernd Schubert wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> > It does, but the code has been in testing -suse and on the reiserfs
> > list.  This dooesn't mean data=ordered is perfect, but it's not quite
> > day one either.  I can switch the default back, but I'd rather have a
> > trial by fire ;-)
> Oh please not, just have a look at german newsgroups, there are real flamewars 
> about the stability of reiserfs. Everytime someone has a disk problem and a 
> reiserfs partion is affected by it, then there are more than a dozen answers 
> that its the fault of reiserfs. PLEASE, don't prove them right.
The code just won't get tested if it isn't turned on.  I think I've got
all the major issues fixed, and I'm sending to -mm to try and prove
that.  When we're all happy with the stability of the patches, they can
go to -linus.

But there are just as many threads about reiserfs not having
data=ordered support.  It's an important feature that has been out of
mainline for far too long.


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