On Wed, 2004-05-12 at 14:24, Mike Benoit wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-05-12 at 09:59, Hans Reiser wrote:
> > > There were a few bugs of ours that acted as red herrings, but Linspire 
> > > is now up and running on this system with ReiserFS 3 and kernel 2.6.5.
> > >
> > > While I'm here, I have some other questions:
> > >
> > >     * What is the time complexity of mounting a ReiserFS partition? 
> > >       It seems to be proportional to the size of the partition?  Is it
> > >       different for Reiser4?
> > >     * Is there a tool to determine the type of file system on a
> > >       partition without mounting it?
> > >
> > is the time a problem in practice, or just a curiousity point?
> Hans,
>       The last place I worked had a 2.5TB RAID array that had 10's of
> millions of files on it, basically a perfect fit for ReiserFS. However
> they rejected it simply because of the mount times. It was a slower
> machine (mainly used for dumb storage, however uptime was critical) but
> the mount times were just crazy, I don't have hard numbers, but if I
> recall correctly I was told around 5-10 minutes. 
Hans' guys made mount times better in v3 by reading the bitmaps in big
chunks.  I suspect you were using a kernel from before that fix.


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