Hello all,

I just wanted to tell along a bit about my recent experiences with
reiserfs. I have been using reiser3.[56] without any glitch for more
than five years and when I got a new notebook last year, I decided to
give reiser4 a try. There even was a handy kernel patch package
available in debian! How nice. A few bencharks proved my choice was
right. Over the last 12 months I was very happy with it - no sign of a
problem and pretty fast operation on 2.6.10 and 11.

A few days ago I decided to upgrade to 2.6.13 because I need it for
development at work. Having heard about the discussions around reiser4
kernel integration I supposed it should be quite stable now and that it
may even have improved some more. I also expected it to be readily
available as a kernel patch for everyone to try.

There was my first surprise: It was not! I spent quite some time
searching around and finally found that seemingly the only way to get
reiser4 for the latest kernel were a dozen and a half reiser4* patches
from mm. Their proper sequence of application also is up to the
technically interested user.
Why you request a software to be integrated into Linux while you dont
even provide an official patch download for the very kernel version you
want it in, is beyond my comprehension.

Well, since I needed 2.6.13 and my root partition already was reiser4 I
had to take things like they were. I spent another hour applying those
patches and getting around some minor problems doing so. Finally, there
was my shiny new 2.6.13 with reiser4.

But alas, the next surprise was not far away. Trying to suspend my
notebook now resulted in some reiser4 kernel processes going postal:

  984 root      25     0 R  25.3   0.0   0:23.62  ktxnmgrd:dm-0:t
 3246 root      25     0 R  24.3   0.0   0:23.54  ktxnmgrd:hda4:t
  985 root      25     0 R  23.3   0.0   0:23.61  ent:dm-0.
 3247 root      25     0 S  23.3   0.0   0:23.60  ent:hda4.

The load went up to 8 and my computer became the most expensive heater
on the block. Reboot unavoidable. Maybe reiser4 had not improved that
much. A short check on the net just popped a few posts about recent
reiser4 being "a turkey" and that someone should put up a warning
somewhere (DAMN YES YOU SHOULD) but no solution.
I decided to go back to 2.6.11 before any more bad things happen.

Third surprise: they had already happened. 2.6.11 refused to boot the
root partition, claiming that there were an inconsistency in the FS.

Sep 28 08:44:20 rtfm kernel: WARNING: wrong pset member (11) for 42
Sep 28 08:44:20 rtfm kernel: reiser4[mount(840)]: init_inode_static_sd
Sep 28 08:44:20 rtfm kernel: WARNING: unused space in inode 42

I know the disk is ok and I had not had a crash of any sort (the freaked
out kernel from above seemed to shut down properly at least). So I
probed this a bit further:

trying 2.6.13 reiser4:   booting without a warning.
trying 2.6.11 again:     error, error, no go
trying 2.6.13 once more: booting nicely
trying 2.6.11 finally:   error again.

Okay, I'd call this another surprise. I just did not know whether there
actually was a problem or not! So I decided to give fsck a shot (on
2.6.11 - I had somewhat lost my belief in recent reiser4 code).
I just ran in with --check, because the man page said that this would be
read-only. It found this:

FSCK: Node (2196341), item (0), [29:1(SD):0:2a:0]: does not look like a
valid SD
plugin set extention: wrong pset member count detected (12).
FSCK: Node (2196341), item (0), [29:1(SD):0:2a:0]: does not look like a
valid stat data.
FSCK: Node (2196341), item (0), [29:1(SD):0:2a:0]: broken item found.
FSCK: Node (2196341): the node is broken. Pointed from the node
(2196340), item (0), unit (0). The whole subtree is skipped.

Of course, as a user, I don't have the slightest idea what this means.
"The whole subtree is skipped" sounded worryingly lossy, however.
At the end of the run, fsck told me I had to rerun it with --build-fs.
Now that sounded pretty heavy. I still have some real work to do and I
already had lost several working hours to this and was not very willing
to do so right now.
So I decided to take advantage of the now proven fact that
another go for today (I made a backup the other day anyway), save my
work on NFS and let the --build-fs thing run tonight after work.

There was my fourth surprise: This fsck thing had LIED to me; it was not
read-only. It may have checked the fs read-only but it must have
treacherously flipped some "error" bit somewhere on disk because now
even 2.6.13 reiser4 refused to boot the partition properly:

Warning, mounting filesystem with fatal errors, forcing read-only mount
(followed by the error from above)

So much for --check being just a check. I grabbed a book and lost about
two more precious working hours running the --build-fs thing.

At this point I admittedly was >slightly< upset. No, wait. I was pissed.

After the rebuild had finally finished, I dropped my book and rebooted
into 2.6.11. But hey ho, surprises had not ended yet: The root partition
still booted read-only telling me it had fatal errors. Obviously that
switch flipped by the "read-only" check had not been flipped back during
the "read-write" restoration. So I probably have to remount,rw now after
every reboot.
But at least I can suspend again without my system going nuts.

The bottom line: obviously after twelve months without problems, some
higher entity has decided I am up for a busy day. Apart from the funny
"fatal error" thing my adventure ended where it had begun: I still need
2.6.13 and a working reiser4.
The version in mm obviously is seriously flawed and - from what I found
- may even cause file system corruption.

Probably the biggest surprise of all for me was that the people of
namesys put up such a pile of bugs right at the very moment they want
their stuff in the kernel tree. Anyone who is going the lengths to try
their code (maybe to evaluate whether it is actually worth incorporation
in the kernel) will be up for a not-so-nice surprise. And I did not see
a warning anywhere on namesys.com as well!

Now, would someone please tell me where I can find a reiser4 patch that
works as stable and surprise-free as your code back then in the old ages
of 2004 and that can be applied to 2.6.13? 
Please? Or would I have been better off using XFS from the beginning? 

Congratulations to all who read the whole story.

Thanks to everyone who will answer any of my questions.

best regards,

P.S.: How do I switch back that annoying "corruption bit"?
      Run another "read-only" check?
 Taking away civil rights to protect a free democracy is like taking off
 the tires of a car to protect it from flats.                       (FB)

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