Hi again,

..."after some time", so right after mkfs df(1) is telling the truth?
Does it drop to 52MB all of a sudden or does it decrease slowly? does it
happen with other/former kernels too?
Well the cable was bad - it worked well on another computer but on
mine it lead to usb read failures.
It never drops to 52mb, it gros to a 55GB disk, this happened as soon
as I got messages about invalid fat read operations on syslog. (caused
by the usb problems)

Does it happen without the tweak? Why are you using -O3 anyway, does it
really make a difference?
Don't know since it works now. Well under normal circumstances I guess
-O3 does not make much difference (since kernel is much more "generic"
code instead of numbercrunching stuff) but since I use cryptocompress
at least reiser4 is crunching numbers ;)

lg Clemens

PS: I am really impressed about the stability of reiser4 - I never
ever had a single problem. However performance is terrible with
cryptocompress enabled:
- Drive does way too much seeks
- Directory listing is slow - a directory listing using konqueror
takes about 10s the first time I open konqueror (with 148files/folders
in it), the second time its as fast as it should.
- Writes block sometimes the system, nerving while watching video or
playing games.
- Delete operations sometimes take a lot of time (deleting a e.g.
500mb video file).

lg Clemens

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