Hi ,



I got sparky peak list file written as


568?-?  123.445 8.765 3.45E06

. . . . . 



When I tried to read in this file through GUI, it complains 


Sparky formatted data file.


Number of header lines found: 1

2D peak list detected.

RelaxWarning: Improperly formatted Sparky file, cannot process the residue
name for dimension 1 in assignment: 546N-H. Setting residue name to None.

RelaxWarning: Improperly formatted NMRPipe SeriesTab file, cannot process
the residue name for dimension 2 in assignment: 546N-H. Setting residue name
to None.

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/home/mkc9/Programs/RELAX/relax-3.1.1/gui/wizards/wiz_objects.py",
line 161, in _apply

    self.exec_status = self.on_execute()

  File "/home/mkc9/Programs/RELAX/relax-3.1.1/gui/uf_objects.py", line 883,
in on_execute

    return_status = self.execute(self.name, **kargs)

  File "/home/mkc9/Programs/RELAX/relax-3.1.1/gui/uf_objects.py", line 805,
in execute

    return_status = interpreter.apply(uf, *args, **kwds)

  File "/home/mkc9/Programs/RELAX/relax-3.1.1/gui/interpreter.py", line 109,
in apply

    apply(fn, args, kwds)

  File "/home/mkc9/Programs/RELAX/relax-3.1.1/pipe_control/spectrum.py",
line 530, in read

    peak_list = read_peak_list(file=file, dir=dir, int_col=int_col,
spin_id_col=spin_id_col, mol_name_col=mol_name_col, res_num_col=res_num_col,
res_name_col=res_name_col, spin_num_col=spin_num_col,
spin_name_col=spin_name_col, sep=sep, spin_id=spin_id)

  File "/home/mkc9/Programs/RELAX/relax-3.1.1/lib/spectrum/peak_list.py",
line 208, in read_peak_list

    sparky.read_list(peak_list=peak_list, file_data=file_data)

  File "/home/mkc9/Programs/RELAX/relax-3.1.1/lib/spectrum/sparky.py", line
203, in read_list

    intensity = float(line[int_col])

IndexError: list index out of range



Since I already made sequence & spin system with correct residue number, I
expected the residue number in Sparky file should be enough. 


So,my questions are:


1. the sparky file format for relax should be made as written in the manual?


2. Can relax recognize FASTA sequence and automatically generate Spin


Thanks and Happy Holiday!




relax (http://www.nmr-relax.com)

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