Hi Ed and Troels,

Thank you for the comment. I will try today when I get back to my laptop. 

Wish all you have merry Christmas and Happy new year!


Dec 21, 2013 7:14 AM "Edward d'Auvergne" <edw...@nmr-relax.com> 작성:

> Hi Min-Kyu and Troels,
> From the messages, I can see 4 potential issues:
> 1)  The assignment:
> 568?-?  123.445 8.765 3.45E06
> is ambiguous, as it could be any spin pair.  It is best to assign the
> atoms properly, otherwise relax cannot tell if it is a N-H pair, the
> Trp NE1-HE1 pair, or something more exotic.  Note that you can analyse
> your Trp NE1 data at the same time as the backbone N data.  Troels, on
> line 108 of the ./lib/spectrum/sparky.py file (as well as the other
> peak list files in that package), maybe it is worth searching for the
> "?-?" string in the assignment rather than matching "?-?" to skip the
> line of data?  Actually it might be best if we just skip every single
> assignment containing "?", and just give a warning that the line is
> being skipped as the assignment has a question mark in it.
> 2)  The Sparky assignment format is:
> [Group][atom1]-[Group][atom2]-[Group][atom3]
> The group is optional for the 2nd, 3rd, etc. dimensions.  The format
> of the "Group" is not defined in Sparky, but in its manual it uses the
> convention of letters for the residue name followed by the residue
> number.  However despite the warnings from relax about the missing
> residue name, I would assume that the data would be nevertheless read.
> The spectrum.read_intensities user function will print out a list of
> all the intensities read into the program at the end, so you will be
> able to tell what has been read or skipped.
> 3)  For you Troels - could you have a look at line 172 of the
> ./lib/spectrum/sparky.py file?  It has the confusing text "Improperly
> formatted NMRPipe SeriesTab file" which is probably a copy and paste
> error from the ./lib/spectrum/nmrpipe.py file.
> 4)  The "IndexError: list index out of range" might be due to the
> badly formatted header line, as Troels mentioned.  Min-Kyu, if you fix
> that, does the error go away?  Alternatively, it could be that one
> line in the file is differently formatted, for some unknown reason.
> This can be tested by deleting lines out of the file one by one until
> the error goes away (except for the header which is needed to
> determine the "Data Height" column).  If you do find that there is a
> problem with the file, could you submit a bug report at
> https://gna.org/bugs/?func=additem&group=relax and attach the
> truncated peak list which still causes the error?  With this, I can
> construct a system test for relax and also make sure that an
> informative RelaxError or RelaxWarning is given so that the user knows
> exactly what the problem is and how it should be fixed.
> As for the FASTA format, this is not supported by relax yet.  This is
> not a great format as you don't know the residue numbering and it will
> very likely not start at one.  But as Troels mentioned, you can load
> the sequence from your peak lists.  It might then be worth having the
> amino acid names in the group part of the Sparky assignment if you
> would like residue names to be present.
> Regards,
> Edward
> P. S.  I may not be able to do much until after the new year so, if
> you don't hear from me until then, I wish you a merry Christmas and
> happy new year!
>> On 21 December 2013 02:41, Troels Emtekær Linnet <tlin...@nmr-relax.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Min-Kyu.
>> I believe you probably need to define the right header
>> for the file.
>> ex:
>>      Assignment         w1         w2   Data Height
>> And see if you can fix the question marks.
>> 568N-HN
>> Have a look in the test-suite for some typical definition of peaks files.
>> test_suite/shared_data/peak_lists
>> If you have a peak list, the new 3.1.1 version allow you to define the spins
>> from
>> a typical peak list.
>> spectrum.read_spins(file='peak_file.list', dir='/path/to/file')
>> Cheers
>> 2013/12/20 Min-Kyu Cho <min-kyu....@live.com>
>>> Hi ,
>>> I got sparky peak list file written as
>>> 568?-?  123.445 8.765 3.45E06
>>> . . . . .
>>> When I tried to read in this file through GUI, it complains
>>> ----------
>>> Sparky formatted data file.
>>> Number of header lines found: 1
>>> 2D peak list detected.
>>> RelaxWarning: Improperly formatted Sparky file, cannot process the residue
>>> name for dimension 1 in assignment: 546N-H. Setting residue name to None.
>>> RelaxWarning: Improperly formatted NMRPipe SeriesTab file, cannot process
>>> the residue name for dimension 2 in assignment: 546N-H. Setting residue name
>>> to None.
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>  File "/home/mkc9/Programs/RELAX/relax-3.1.1/gui/wizards/wiz_objects.py",
>>> line 161, in _apply
>>>    self.exec_status = self.on_execute()
>>>  File "/home/mkc9/Programs/RELAX/relax-3.1.1/gui/uf_objects.py", line
>>> 883, in on_execute
>>>    return_status = self.execute(self.name, **kargs)
>>>  File "/home/mkc9/Programs/RELAX/relax-3.1.1/gui/uf_objects.py", line
>>> 805, in execute
>>>    return_status = interpreter.apply(uf, *args, **kwds)
>>>  File "/home/mkc9/Programs/RELAX/relax-3.1.1/gui/interpreter.py", line
>>> 109, in apply
>>>    apply(fn, args, kwds)
>>>  File "/home/mkc9/Programs/RELAX/relax-3.1.1/pipe_control/spectrum.py",
>>> line 530, in read
>>>    peak_list = read_peak_list(file=file, dir=dir, int_col=int_col,
>>> spin_id_col=spin_id_col, mol_name_col=mol_name_col, res_num_col=res_num_col,
>>> res_name_col=res_name_col, spin_num_col=spin_num_col,
>>> spin_name_col=spin_name_col, sep=sep, spin_id=spin_id)
>>>  File "/home/mkc9/Programs/RELAX/relax-3.1.1/lib/spectrum/peak_list.py",
>>> line 208, in read_peak_list
>>>    sparky.read_list(peak_list=peak_list, file_data=file_data)
>>>  File "/home/mkc9/Programs/RELAX/relax-3.1.1/lib/spectrum/sparky.py",
>>> line 203, in read_list
>>>    intensity = float(line[int_col])
>>> IndexError: list index out of range
>>> -----
>>> Since I already made sequence & spin system with correct residue number, I
>>> expected the residue number in Sparky file should be enough.
>>> So,my questions are:
>>> 1. the sparky file format for relax should be made as written in the
>>> manual?
>>> 2. Can relax recognize FASTA sequence and automatically generate Spin
>>> system?
>>> Thanks and Happy Holiday!
>>> Min-Kyu
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