Dear Edward,

I am trying to use 'relax' for the off-resonance R1rho
constant-relaxation-time relaxation dispersion using
script available as sample script with relax.

The following is the section where I have question:
data = [
    ['900MHz_reference_3000.list',    'ref_off_reso_R1rho_ubi_1.list',
None, 118.275, 0.320,  900.21422558574e6, 90000],
    ['900MHz_2100.list',    '2100_off_reso_R1rho_ubi_2.list',       2100,
118.275, 0.320,  900.21422558574e6, 90000],
    ['900MHz_2728.list',    '2728_off_reso_R1rho_ubi_3.list',       2728,
118.275, 0.320,  900.21422558574e6, 90000],
    ['900MHz_3357.list',    '3357_reso_R1rho_ubi_4.list',           3357,
118.275, 0.320,  900.21422558574e6, 90000],
    ['900MHz_3985.list',    '3985_off_reso_R1rho_ubi_5.list',       3985,
118.275, 0.320,  900.21422558574e6, 90000],
    ['900MHz_4614.list',    '4614_off_reso_R1rho_ubi_6.list',       4614,
118.275, 0.320,  900.21422558574e6, 90000],
    ['900MHz_rep_4614.list','4614_rep_off_reso_R1rho_ubi_10.list',  4614,
118.275, 0.320,  900.21422558574e6, 90000],
    ['900MHz_5242.list',    '5242_off_reso_R1rho_ubi_7.list',       5242,
118.275, 0.320,  900.21422558574e6, 90000],
    ['900MHz_5871.list',    '5871_off_reso_R1rho_ubi_8.list',       5871,
118.275, 0.320,  900.21422558574e6, 90000],
    ['900MHz_6500.list',    '6500_off_reso_R1rho_ubi_9.list',       6500,
118.275, 0.320,  900.21422558574e6, 90000]
# Loop over the spectra.
for id, file, field, offset, relax_time, H_frq, rmsd in data:
    # Load the peak intensities and set the errors.
    spectrum.read_intensities(file=file, dir=DATA_PATH, spectrum_id=id,
    spectrum.baseplane_rmsd(spectrum_id=id, error=rmsd)

    # Set the relaxation dispersion experiment type.
    relax_disp.exp_type(spectrum_id=id, exp_type='R1rho')

    # Set the relaxation dispersion spin-lock field strength (nu1).
    relax_disp.spin_lock_field(spectrum_id=id, field=field)

    # Set the spin-lock offset.
    relax_disp.spin_lock_offset(spectrum_id=id, offset=offset)

    # Set the relaxation times (in s).
    relax_disp.relax_time(spectrum_id=id, time=relax_time)

    # Set the NMR field strength of the spectrum.
    spectrometer.frequency(id=id, frq=H_frq)
I have supplied the spin lock offset from the center of the spectrum in Hz
for "field".
And the center of spectrum in ppm as 118.275 ppm for "offset".
However, I wonder where the value of spin-lock amplitude is to be provided
as it is indispensable for the calculation of spin-lock effective field. I
have acquired my data with spinlock amplitude 1500 kz with different offset
values for 15N spin.

Please let me know that at your earliest convenience.
Thanks for your time and consideration.

relax (

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