On Thursday 29 of October 2009 23:11:48 Modestas Vainius wrote:

> I would prefer for tarball to keep ALL backends (aka phonon-backends
>  package). This has worked well so far, why try to fix things which aren't
>  broken?

It wasn't working because so far it wasn't at all like you described - phonon 
backends have never been distributed separately from phonon.

If you refer to phonon-backends "source" tarball of 
http://packages.debian.org/sid/phonon-backend-xine it's clear that it's just 
renamed phonon tarball.

And I think what's proposed here is distributing (and thus allowing to build 
with no cmake hackery involved) phonon backends separately from phonon, and 
allowing them to build against phonon that's distributed with Qt4.

From packager's perspective, it would be really nice to have it finally sorted 


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