
On penktadienis 30 Spalis 2009 02:56:17 Maciej Mrozowski wrote:
> If you refer to phonon-backends "source" tarball of
> http://packages.debian.org/sid/phonon-backend-xine it's clear that it's
>  just renamed phonon tarball.
> And I think what's proposed here is distributing (and thus allowing to
>  build with no cmake hackery involved) phonon backends separately from
>  phonon, and allowing them to build against phonon that's distributed with
>  Qt4.
> From packager's perspective, it would be really nice to have it finally
>  sorted out.

Sure, I'm just saying that it would be nice to have a tarball with ALL 
backends (including gstreamer one which is "released" with Qt).

Modestas Vainius <modes...@vainius.eu>

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