Title: Message
    I have no animus toward evangelicals, in the sense of hostility to them because of their beliefs, just as I have no animus towards religiously devout vegetarians.  But I wouldn't hire a religiously devout vegetarian (or any vegetarian, for that matter) for a chef at a nonvegetarian restaurant, since chefs have to appreciate the food they're cooking, and often taste it.  I likewise wouldn't suggest that the military hire a chaplain whose views prove divisive; and if evangelical theology necessarily requires that, I can respect evangelical chaplains' views while still concluding that those who insist on preaching that aspect of their theology ought not be hired as military chaplains.  (I personally suspect that many evangelicals are quite capable of preaching in ways that minimize possible divisiveness, but if their theology really demands otherwise, they should do their preaching outside the military.)
    It's good to provide a good deal of choice in chaplains to soldiers, but it's sometimes impossible.  When a unit is in a foxhole, they can't just radio in the right chaplain; if there's one around, they'll use him, and he has to be ready for that.  Likewise, when a soldier is dying (or is even seriously injured and needs solace right away), one often can't pick and choose.
    Finally, even if every soldier has the chaplain he wants, but some of those chaplains preach things that weaken soldiers' bonds to each other, the military is quite entitled to show those chaplains the door.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rick Duncan
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 9:47 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: RE: Free speech for chaplains

I am far less concerned about the chaplins' free speech rights than I am about the EC and the government branding certain religious doctrines as verboten in the program.

I don't think the government has power under the EC to discriminate among religious doctrines, permitting the _expression_ of some and forbidding the _expression_ of others. Maybe the remedy is to dramatically expand the chaplin program to ensure that all (or at least the great majority) of service men and women have a chaplin who is a fellow believer. When a Catholic needs a chaplin, he should get a priest. An evangelical should get an evangelical. A Jew should get a rabbi. And so on.

By the way, am I too sensitive or do I perceive a certain animus toward evangelicals in this discussion?


Steve Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
A larger problem is that while people like us fret about the chaplains'
free-speech rights, at least some evangelical chaplains care little about the
letter or spirit of the rules within which their position is intended to
operate. Some, it is becoming clear, have their own agenda, and, when
confronted with concerns, respond indignantly that they answer to a higher
authority. The same chaplain who made the offensive comments at the Catholic
sailor's funeral went on the tell the Times: "The Navy wants to impose its
religion on me. Religious pluralism is a religion. It's a theology all by

The reality is that many in this debate will play dishonest semantic games --
twisting the issues, claiming victim status, and propounding
non-sequitors that
will be loudly repeated from pulpits, on cable shoutfests, and no doubt sooner
or l! ater from the floor of Congress. So, setting aside my conviction
that this
sort of thing is exactly why it's ill-advised to fund religious ministry with
public funds, I would add to the agenda for discussion: how do we talk to the
public and relevant decisionmakers about the delicate balances that are
necessary if a program like this is to have constitutional integrity?

Steve Sanders
University of Michigan Law School
Wed: http://www.stevesanders.net

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Rick Duncan
Welpton Professor of Law
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