cnn online article

On 9/21/07, Will Linden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    As I noted before, someone already tried to file suit against "Satan and
> his staff" in federal district court in Pennsylvania. This is the one which
> was dismissed on issue of jurisdiction.
>     And everyone involved seems to take it for granted which concept of
> "God" applies. For instance, if it turns out to be Vishnu, He might do to
> Mr. Lipkin what He, as Narasimha, did to King Hayanakasipu when asked to
> demonstrate His omnipresence.
> At 09:17 AM 9/21/07 -0400, you wrote:
> >I'm surprised by God's pleading. It puts a theological issue in front of
> >the court, which can dismiss simply on the basis of what the jury said
> >when acquitting Thomas Maule of seditious libel charges arising from his
> >writing of a theological pamphlet: "...the matter therein contained not
> >cognizable before them, they not being a Jury of divines, which this
> >case ought to be."
> >
> >Or perhaps the judge could try to empanel a jury of divines? Perhaps
> >summoning to jury duty for voir dire folks who consider themselves
> >know-it-alls?
> >
> >I'm also surprised God didn't file an interpleader, bringing
> >Lucifer-Satan into the mix. If the latter being hired a lawyer, we'd
> >have a chance to observe a genuine devil's advocate.
> >
> >And that would make Bobby's amicus brief even more delightful to read.
> >I'm looking forward to it.
> >
> >Jim Maule
> >
> >
> > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/21/2007 7:40:04 AM >>>
> >Sorry for inadvertently hitting  "send."
> >
> >      The  jurisdictional point might be legitimate but surely the
> >following
> >is not: "It  adds that blaming God for human oppression and suffering
> >misses an
> >important  point.  "I created man and woman with free will and next to
> >the
> >promise of  immortal life, free will is my greatest gift to you,"
> >according to
> >the response,  as read by Friend." Natural disasters have nothing to do
> >with
> >"free will."   Rarely, if ever, is free will involved in hurricanes,
> >earthquakes, and so forth.  Therefore explaining human suffering by
> >appealing to free
> >will  fails. Moreover, if millions of people dying in war,
> >concentration camps,
> >and gulags, and so forth is the price we pay for "free will," whatever
> >that
> >is anyway, I, for one, might want to return the gift and get my money
> >back.
> >Now that God has entered the controversy surrounding the suit, I  think
> >the suit
> >should go forward. Indeed, I intend to submit an amicus  brief . . . .
> >
> >Somewhere.
> >
> >Bobby
> >
> >Robert Justin  Lipkin
> >Professor of Law
> >Widener University School of  Law
> >Delaware
> >
> >Ratio Juris
> >,  Contributor: _
> >(
> >Essentially Contested  America, Editor-In-Chief
> >_
> >(
> >
> >
> >
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