FYI, for what it's worth, perhaps of interest to someone writing about this 
issue. (Haverford Township is in Delaware County, just to the west of 

Jim Maule
Villanova University School of Law


Selected portions:

Evangelical group sues Haverford district over fliers

Haverford Township school officials are trying to extricate the district from a 
legal tussle with an evangelical Christian group that wants to send 
informational fliers home with grade-school students. Child Evangelism 
Fellowship (CEF) filed suit against the Haverford Township School District in 
late October after the district refused to distribute fliers promoting the 
group's after-school Good News Club.

* * *

After CEF sued, the district relented and sent out between 750 and 800 fliers 
in students' Friday take-home folders the week before Thanksgiving, said Mary 
Beth Lauer, the district's community-relations director. The fliers, which were 
sent home with students at Chatham Park and Chestnutwold Elementaries, 
contained a disclaimer declaring that the school did not sponsor or endorse the 

* * *

In a statement, Superintendent William Keilbaugh said: "If, as alleged, our 
rule of distributing only school and township youth recreation program 
materials was not strictly complied with, and other groups' materials were sent 
home with students, that was an inadvertent error we will correct going 

The district is hoping to settle the matter out of court, although it might 
still be on the hook for legal and court fees. Meanwhile, school officials are 
trying to figure how to best enforce the district's flier policy - which allows 
only school- and township-sponsored groups to send home letters with the 
children - without hurting groups such as PTOs.

* * *

Cheryl Wert, a PTO member at Chestnutwold, said the district would not allow 
her to send a flier about this weekend's holiday gift and craft fair, an annual 
fund-raiser for the PTO.

* * *

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