Eugene's suggestion that the religious exemption from the contraception mandate 
be analogized to the draft protester cases is anticipated by Gedicks and Van 
Tassell in their article, RFRA Exemptions from the Contraception Mandate:  An 
Unconstitutional Accommodation of Religion 

Gedicks and Van Tassel argue that the burden of the exemption is not material 
because it would not affect the decision-making of non-pacificists in 
considering whether to participate in the draft. That is because the burden is 
minor and remote -- for any individual, a small number of exemptions amounts to 
a minor increase in the probability of being selected for the draft. 

Whethers Gedicks and Van Tassel are right, there is at least the difference 
that the burden of the religious exemption from the contraception mandate, like 
the burden in Caldor, falls clearly and specifically on identifiable 

It is a separate question whether broadening the exemption to include 
non-religious objectors would cure a possible constitutional defect under the 
Establishment Clause. If the reason for broadening the exemption is a based on 
a sham purpose -- that is, if it is broadened only for the purpose of saving an 
otherwise unconstitutional exemption, rather than to accommodate non-religious 
objectors (as in Seeger) -- I wonder whether that is (or should be?) 
permissible. It could be framed as a form of constitutional avoidance, but, 
given the history, it might also look like an impermissible purpose. 

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