I think Steve gets it exactly right.

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On Sep 6, 2015, at 12:42 PM, Steven Jamar 
<stevenja...@gmail.com<mailto:stevenja...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I don’t know that anyone can really know the extent of their biases influencing 
their thinking.  Deep things like being a trained historian vs. an engineer can 
infect how we view the law.  Life experiences — poor or rich, elite or 
marginal, black, white or other, etc. surely impact how we view things.

But on this one, I am in favor of reasonable accommodations that favor 
religious exercise.  I’m even in favor of finding an accommodation for Ms. 
Davis.  But the propriety of finding/making an accommodation does not excuse 
her flouting of clear constitutional requirements.  If she plays MLK Jr or 
Gandhi and says “I will not follow your unjust law but I recognize your right 
to jail me for failing to follow it” — well that would be one thing.  But she 
is not.  She is claiming to above the law, not merely that she is acting 
according to the dictates of her conscience or her religion — but that this 
higher law excuses her refusal to do her job.  It does not.

She is taking a stand and witnesses for her beliefs by becoming a martyr for 
her cause.  But she is not a private citizen in a private job.  She is an 
elected official elected to do a ministerial job.  She is not rendering unto 
Ceasar that which is his.  She is denying the validity of Ceasar’s power.  She 
is not walking the extra mile, shouldering the Centurian’s burden; she is 
dropping the load on the road and demanding to be applauded for it.  She is 
placing her personal religious beliefs above the requirements of We the People 
acting through our Supreme Court and federal government.

Disliking that is not a matter of political stance on same sex marriage or the 
morality of homosexuals.

One can claim as the dissenters in Obergefell did and still do with respect to 
abortion rights that the court got it wrong.  But even so that does not give 
one the right to play President Jackson and send thousands to their death along 
the trail of tears.  The magnitude is different; the principle is the same.

Steve Jamar

On Sep 6, 2015, at 10:57 AM, Levinson, Sanford V 
<slevin...@law.utexas.edu<mailto:slevin...@law.utexas.edu>> wrote:

I do find myself wondering how much the reaction to Ms. Davis is simply a proxy 
for our politics. Consider, eg, the efforts by some of the conservative pols 
who support Ms. Davis (like Ted Cruz) to go after "sanctuary cities). I suspect 
that many of us support such sanctuaries against our Draconian immigration 
policies, and one might recall that the leader of an earlier sanctuary movement 
was Los Angeles' Cardinal McIntyre. As someone who has long criticized 
extravagant theories of judicial supremacy and still (weakly) supports RFRA, I 
do find it challenging to figure out exactly why I'm so hostile to Ms. Davis. 
Part of it, of course, is my own support for same-sex marriage and Obergefell. 
But another, I'm afraid is my animus against the absurdity of her claim. I know 
I shouldn't take that into account, but I can't help it. Catholic arguments are 
deeply reason-oriented, and I can disagree with them, as I do on same-sex 
marriage, on the basis of what I'd like to think are equally reasoned 
arguments. Ms.
Davis takes us out of the realm of reason into sheer subjective "sincerity."  
Tertullian is famous for defending Christian belief precisely because it was 
"absurd."  As Eugene reminded us, one can easily say the same thing about the 
purported revelation at Sinai.

I apologize if this is too rambling. Some of you might be interested in a 
recent symposium on Balkinization on Roberta Kwall's The Myth of the Cultural 


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On Sep 6, 2015, at 12:11 AM, Scarberry, Mark 
<mark.scarbe...@pepperdine.edu<mailto:mark.scarbe...@pepperdine.edu>> wrote:

Section 402.100 appears to require that the license include “[a]n authorization 
statement of the county clerk issuing the license.” The section allows the 
license to be signed by the clerk or deputy clerk (which shows that the 
legislature knew how to include the deputies where it wanted to include them) 
but the authorization statement authorizing the appropriate celebrants to 
perform the marriage and unite the couple in marriage  must be a statement of 
the county clerk. The county clerk must authorize the uniting of the couple in 
marriage. Here is the relevant language:

“Each county clerk shall use the form prescribed by the Department for 
Libraries and Archives when issuing a marriage license. This form shall provide 
for the entering of all of the information required in this section, and may 
also provide for the entering of additional information prescribed by the 
Department for Libraries and Archives. The form shall consist of:

(1) A marriage license which provides for the entering of:
  (a) An authorization statement of the county clerk issuing the license for 
any person or religious society authorized to perform marriage ceremonies to 
unite in marriage the persons named;
  (b) Vital information for each party, including the full name, date of birth, 
place of birth, race, condition (single, widowed, or divorced), number of 
previous marriages, occupation, current residence, relationship to the other 
party, and full names of parents; and
  (c) The date and place the license is issued, and the signature of the county 
clerk or deputy clerk issuing the license

It would seem to me that if the form does not include an authorization 
statement of the clerk (not a deputy clerk), then the form will not have been 
filled out as required by section 402.100. The second reference to issuance of 
the license by the county clerk or deputy clerk may muddy the waters. I 
certainly don’t think a federal court has the expertise to instruct the county 
clerk, who is charged with complying with 402.100 and 402.110, on the meaning 
of the section, or on the consequences of a potential failure to comply with 
it. If Davis believes a license without an authorization from her by name 
(indicating that she has authorized the performance of the marriage) does not 
comport with Kentucky law, then she either must authorize the marriages or 
instruct persons seeking licenses to drive an hour to another county.

It also is a bit ironic that same-sex marriage proponents who cheered when 
officials issued licenses in violation of the explicit terms of state law (not 
necessarily any members of this list), now think it’s improper for Davis to act 
on the basis of her understanding of state law, which of course includes the 
state RFRA.


Mark S. Scarberry
Professor of Law
Pepperdine Univ. School of Law

[mailto:religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu] On Behalf Of Marty Lederman
Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2015 7:59 PM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: Re: What's happening in KY? -- my differences with Eugene

Howard:  As the Deputy Clerk is implementing the licenses, the form of the 
license is the same as that throughout the state, and every license blank does 
contain the identical words and figures provided in the form prescribed by 
section 402.100.  The only difference is that the Clerk's nameis not written in 
on the blank where it would ordinarily appear.  That doesn't in any way 
transgress 402.110.

On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 6:55 PM, Friedman, Howard M. 
<howard.fried...@utoledo.edu<mailto:howard.fried...@utoledo.edu>> wrote:
In discussing the changes that Ms. Davis might have made in the license form to 
accommodate her religious beliefs, I don't believe anyone on this list has 
discussed this provision in Kentucky Rev. Stat. Sec. 402.110:

"The form of marriage license prescribed in KRS 402.100 shall be uniform 
throughout this state, and every license blank shall contain the identical 
words and figures provided in the form prescribed by that section. In issuing 
the license the clerk shall deliver it in its entirety to the licensee. The 
clerk shall see to it that every blank space required to be filled by the 
applicants is so filled before delivering it to the licensee."

Changes by her office would prevent the license from being uniform throughout 
the state.  Do her state RFRA rights trump this?

Howard Friedman

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Prof. Steven D. Jamar
Assoc. Dir. of International Programs
Institute for Intellectual Property and Social Justice

“There are no wrong notes in jazz: only notes in the wrong places.”
Miles Davis

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