Ira, I don't understand the distinction I think you are trying to make. We 
agree that sounds like a court must accept the sincere testimony of a Muslim 
prisoner who claims his faith requires him to keep a half inch beard. But you 
believe the court may instead decide that being forced to shave is, contrary to 
the prisoner's testimony, actually not that big of a deal? What cases have been 
decided on this basis?


On Mar 22, 2016, at 9:05 AM, Ira Lupu 
<<>> wrote:

Bob Tuttle and I have written a book ("Secular Government, Religious People") 
that centrally argues that the Establishment Clause renders the state 
incompetent to decide exclusively ecclesiastical questions. This is the basis 
for the ministerial exception, in which the question is general fitness 
(relevant criteria) or particular fitness (individual attributes) for ministry.

Accordingly, we criticize the prison cases that undertake decision of such 
ecclesiastical questions, especially the ones that rely on "expert" testimony 
from imams and other clergy about the significance of certain practices.  This 
seems to us to be a deep flaw in the very structure of RFRA and RLUIPA.  But 
it's just wrong to assert that the positive law of "substantial burden" is 
limited to the force of government compulsion, and has nothing to do with 
religious impact or religious significance.

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 10:33 AM, Gregory S. Baylor 
<<>> wrote:
So, under this approach, would a court be empowered to assess the magnitude of 
the divine disfavor a plan sponsor claims it would suffer if it complied with 
the mandate?


Greg Baylor

<logo251063><>          Gregory S. Baylor
Senior Counsel, Director of Center for Religious Schools
202-393-8690 (Office)
202-888-7628 (Direct Dial)
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Not Licensed in DC
Practice Limited to Federal Court

 On Behalf Of Ira Lupu
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2016 10:25 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: Re: Zubik / Little Sisters - testing the scope via a hypothetical

Eric Kniffin writes that ". . . whether there is a substantial burden on a 
sincere religious belief is something courts can determine by looking at the 
force of the government’s compulsion."  That's correct, but it's only half the 
story.  Look at Yoder (on which RFRA declares it is modeled), in which most of 
the analysis on the burden side concerns the religious impact of the school 
attendance requirement, NOT the small daily fine for truancy.
And read the many prisoner cases under RFRA and then RLUIPA, where the analysis 
is about the religious significance of the practice the prisoner wants 
permission to undertake -- prayer meetings, long hair or beards, possession of 
particular books, having certain foods, washing certain number of times per 
day, etc.  In those cases, the government's "compulsion" is total -- permission 
denied. So the burden analysis goes to religious impact of the denial, and 
there are opinions that explore these questions (in part because the 
government's interest in denying permission may not be compelling at all.) The 
legislative history of RFRA shows that the word "substantial" was added to 
permit this kind of inquiry -- that is, into the severity of religious impact 
on the complainant.  Why should claims of "conscience" be exempt from this 
element of the statute?

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 8:49 AM, Kniffin, Eric N. 
<<>> wrote:
Actually, Doug, I don't think the petitioners in Zubik ever "say that the 
courts cannot question what counts as a religious burden.” They merely insist 
that courts cannot question the substance of their sincere religious belief, a 
point I assume you would agree with.

But this is not to deny the courts any role under the substantial burden test. 
For example, whether there is a substantial burden on a sincere religious 
belief is something courts can determine by looking at the force of the 
government’s compulsion. As the ETBU petitioners put it on page 47 of their 
opening brief 
 “The substantial burden analysis turns on the substantiality of the pressure 
the government applies to compel the objected-to actions, not the physical or 
financial burdens of undertaking those actions.”

Doug, do you think that's not the right test for substantial burden?  If so, 
what is the right test?  I thought the petitioners’ statement was pretty basic 

Back to Michael’s park worker hypothetical, Doug is of course right that key 
question comes from Title VII: whether a reasonable accommodation could be 
fashioned without undue hardship to the employer. And to decide that question 
it is of course relevant what the employer has been willing to do for other 

To make the analogy to Zubik work, we’ll have to post some more facts about the 
Seventh-day Adventist’s employer. We would need an employer who grants a 
complete religious exemption for some religious employees based on their 
relationship to their church (say those who were officers of their churches) 
but refuses to give the same treatment to others with the exact same religious 
objection (say those who are just members of their churches, but not officers). 
In that circumstance, the employer probably would and should have a pretty hard 
time claiming that this employee's religious objection cannot be worked around, 
when it is already working around the same objection for others.  And the 
employer's argument would be weaker still if it had  grandfathered in a bunch 
of other employees, etc.


Eric N. Kniffin

Of Counsel

719.386.3017<tel:719.386.3017> office

719.386.3070<tel:719.386.3070> fax<>


Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie LLP

90 South Cascade Avenue, Suite 1100

Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903-1662<>

On Mar 21, 2016, at 7:35 PM, Laycock, H Douglas (hdl5c) 
<<>> wrote:
Some of these extreme cases will involve compelling government interests, 
including most of Paul's hypotheticals. But courts could not question the claim 
of substantial burden on religion, according to the Zubik petitioners.

Douglas Laycock
Robert E. Scott Distinguished Professor of Law
University of Virginia
580 Massie Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
on behalf of Michael Peabody 
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2016 9:27 PM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics; Paul Finkelman
Subject: Re: Zubik / Little Sisters - testing the scope via a hypothetical

I am asserting this only insofar as the degree of accommodation is considered 
insufficient by the individual hypothetical Adventist.  (Which is highly 
hypothetical as the vast majority gladly accept the EEOC accommodation.)

An ideal hypothetical would simply involve a federal regulation that 
unintentionally infringes on religion (in the slightest degree possible) but 
where the religious person invokes RFRA as interpreted by a pro-Zubik Supreme 
Court ruling where the religious party has the full discretion to determine 
whether the government has properly accommodated their beliefs.  In other 
words, RFRA on steroids.

The more I think of it, the more I wonder if this set of ACA cases would 
actually go as far as to address the Kim Davis accommodation scenario in which 
a county clerk sending same-sex couples to another county to get wedding 
certificates was considered the most reasonable accommodation by her attorneys. 
(As indicated in briefs, etc.) In the Davis scenario we don't have the Title 
VII issue of reasonableness, only RFRA to contend with.
On Mar 21, 2016 4:52 PM, "Paul Finkelman" 
Dear Michael:

I just want to make sure I understand your hypothetical, which is:
that this person cannot only refuse to work on Friday afternoon, but because of 
her religious beliefs, she can prevent anyone from working after sundown on 
Friday because that means she would be complicit in a sinful act by allowing 
someone who is not an Adventist, to work on Saturday.  Taken to its logical 
position an Adventist who is a supervisor in the post office would be stop all 
Saturday mail service, shut down the post office, etc. because this would be 
participation in sin.  The same would be true, I suppose, for the fire 
department, the EMT services, the hospital, etc.  And for that matter, not just 
the gift shop, but, if the Adventist was the chief ranger, the whole national 
park would be shut down on Saturday.

Is this what you are asserting in your hypothetical, or am I missing something?

Paul Finkelman
Ariel F. Sallows Visiting Professor of Human Rights Law
College of Law
University of Saskatchewan
15 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, SK  S7N 5A6
c) 518.605.0296<tel:518.605.0296>
Senior Fellow
Democracy, Citizenship and Constitutionalism Program
University of Pennsylvania

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From: Michael Peabody 
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2016 4:35 PM
Subject: Zubik / Little Sisters - testing the scope via a hypothetical

The Supreme Court will be hearing these cases on Wednesday and I'm
trying to figure out how broadly this may affect religious
accommodation beyond the ACA cases. Most of the briefs in favor of the
petitioners describe broad sweeping "attacks" on religious freedom
while the respondents seem to argue that the built-in accommodation
should be considered sufficient.

In an effort to try to explain this to non-lawyers (of which many are
Seventh-day Adventists) who are asking me about what this case means,
I've come up with a hypothetical that I'm
presently testing out.  In making this hypothetical, I make an
assumption that RFRA was originally intended to protect individuals
(not institutions) to avoid the post-Hobby Lobby reaction that it is
now about organizations and I am relying on a federal regulation model
to avoid jurisdictional confusion.  I do realize that my hypothetical
involves an employer-employee relationship, but I tried to manage this
angle by making the closing time a function of a bill passed by
Congress than an employee scheduling issue.

Here is the hypothetical:

A Seventh-day Adventist is a federal employee who works as the manager
of a gift shop in a remote national park. As part of a bill designed
to encourage people to visit the parks, Congress requires that all
park gift shop facilities remain open until 6:00 p.m. For our
Seventh-day Adventist, this poses a problem in the winter months as it
violates her religious beliefs to work past sundown on Friday. The
EEOC guidelines suggest an accommodation that would work (swapping
shifts with co-workers) and a co-worker is willing to fulfill the
duty, and other accommodations such as shifting positions are simply
not possible.

The Seventh-day Adventist refuses to swap shifts because she believes
that this would make her complicit in a sinful act. In fact, she
refuses to even acknowledge that such an accommodation is possible
because by admitting that, she would be opening the door for somebody
to attempt to fulfill the accommodation which would violate her
religious beliefs.

Could a finding for the petitioners in these cases permit this and
similar scenarios?  Is there a better hypothetical?


Michael Peabody, Esq.
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Ira C. Lupu
F. Elwood & Eleanor Davis Professor of Law, Emeritus
George Washington University Law School
2000 H St., NW
Washington, DC 20052
Co-author (with Professor Robert Tuttle) of "Secular Government, Religious 
People" ( Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2014))
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Ira C. Lupu
F. Elwood & Eleanor Davis Professor of Law, Emeritus
George Washington University Law School
2000 H St., NW
Washington, DC 20052
Co-author (with Professor Robert Tuttle) of "Secular Government, Religious 
People" ( Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2014))
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