I have a set of 639 cans on my repeater on 446.175 with No problems at all.
have no problem with the length of the tuning rods. No desense. and last time
I checked about 50 watts out.. BTW the repeater is a SPECTRUM...has been
working for years sitting out in the barn. NO I would never use it at a
commercial site
 But its been giving me years of trouble free service. I last tuned it when
it was installed back in 1994. last checked it in july this year. Bad
connector  up at the antenna.

Kevin Custer wrote:

> Eric Lemmon wrote:
> >I have used several Wacom duplexers over the years, and I think they are
> >excellent products.  I recently tuned a WP-639 duplexer in a 2m portable
> >repeater, and followed the tuning steps exactly per the instructions to
> >achieve a high performance system.  The Rexolite rods were between two
> >and four inches extended on all cavities, and the response curves were
> >almost identical to the curves shown in the instructions.  When the PA
> >is no more than 20 watts or so, and the receiver has very good front-end
> >selectivity, the WP-639 works quite well.
> >
> I agree with what is said, but will add one detail.  If the repeater
> transmitter has a *better than usual* sideband noise figure, the power
> can be significantly higher than 20 watts.  The GE PLL exciter and solid
> state PA will allow about 100 watts with no desense with this duplexer,
> or if you are fortunate to have a GE 4EF5A, about 200 watts.
> PLL and/or Tubes are better.....
> Kevin
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