I have a CAT-1000 controller and using the DVR I am able to have had different WAV files recorded into it. Works great. I once had the Nextel beep. beep to see how it sounded. It was ok to play with, but got on your nerves in a few minutes so I changed it. There are a lot of possibilities with a DVR on a repeater.


Kenneth P. Cook Jr., W8DZN

5726 Timpson Rd.

Caledonia, Ohio 43314

President, Bucyrus Amateur Radio Club

Assistant Emergency Coordinator for Crawford Co., Ohio

ARRL VE, ARRL Registered, Certifiied Instructor/Examiner

for ECOMM Levels I, II and III.


From: Wade Lake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 10:29 AM
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] WAV forms to Courtesy Tones


Having homebrewed several of my own controllers, I have done exactly the thing you are asking.  There are some limitations but it will depend mostly on two factors:


1) The complexity of the wav file you are trying to imitate.

2) The abilities of the controller you are using.


Personally, I would have to hear the wav file and know the capabilities of your controller and with that myself or someone here in the group who knows the controller you are using could more than likely help you out. 


Good luck - and 73


Wade - KR7K


----- Original Message -----

Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 11:53 PM

Subject: [Repeater-Builder] WAV forms to Courtesy Tones


Hi All,


I have a couple of wav files which I would like to try and use as a courtesy tone.

Problem I have, is that the controller will only accept 1 or 2 tone sequences

I would like to try and somehow get the tone pattern for the wav file, and use them to program my controller.


Anyone got any ideas????




Kevin, ZL1KFM.


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