After much digging and conversing with the current owner of the GE mastrII (M/A-com) Here is the part 95 type acceptance for the mastrII
to search for the old GE numbers just put the AXA9MZ before the KT number.
This is a quote from M/A-com on what to search for to find the cert.
(they were very helpful with this info. And is excellent support for legacy products)

Search for AXA9MZKT-114-K

This MASTR-II was 450-470 MHz 100 Watt and used the 19A432679G2 PLL exciter

with Audio Processor 19C321542G2. This exciter required the large ICOMs,


The transmitter you have AXA9MZKT-114-C or D (There wasn't an "O")

probably had an older exciter and may have been before the FCC grants went

on line, therefore weren't part of the current database.

I am sure the unit you have would have been approved for GMRS, but it is so

old I can't dig back that far. You have to watch your power as I remember

there was either a 20 or 60 watt limit, not the full power of 100 watts the

unit was capable of. We are talking about filings that would have happened

around 1975.


I hope this puts the Mastr II being ok for GMRS to bed. As you see the PLL 2ppm with tx id KT-114-K is ok for GMRS and a valid certification is on-line with the FCC.

Now there is a gray area for the other older mastrII's. They are older than the current FCC data base so do not show a certification and the Manufacture can not find anything that old in his records at this time.

Russ, based on this I would revisit your fines the FCC hit you with and check your ID numbers.

Another note. If you change out your exciter to the pll type you need to change your ID tag on the repeater so the FCC can properly ID the unit.

I think I will put a copy of the part 95 cert at my sites just to be safe.


EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia
-----Original Message-----
From: russ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 7:24 PM
To: Kevin King
Subject: Re: GE part 95

Hey Kevin and the group,
They (GE's) are sure not on the list at all.
I have a number to call and ask.
I know that the FCC during part-17
inspections have been getting GMRS
operators of Micor's and Master two's
and asking them to remove them from service.
I was one of them. I had to replace
my 3 GMRS repeaters with Kenwood
TKR-850's that say it right on the tag.
Part 22, 90, 95 and 90.205 I think the
last one is. I will keep you and the group
posted on what I find you on the rest of
the GE's.
Very best of 73,
Russ, W3CH
----- Original Message -----
From: Kevin King
Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 2:07 PM
Subject: re: GE part 95

GE is no more so I doubt it to be listed. I did do a search for the TX fcc numbers for delta ranger mlv and mvs. the only tone that did not show part 95 was mastrII. Oh and it was rangr I saw not the delta. I will search on the later deltaSX to see. now mastrII base with 2c icoms does meet spec. MastrII did not get recertified for new part 95 do to the age and the fact GE was sold off.And new folks did not update any cert. of old rigs.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

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