Mike Morris WA6ILQ wrote:
> Recently I did some research on the membership statistics for this group.
> Here's some interesting info:
> 1,679 are on "No Email" - i.e. they read the mail via the YahooGroups 
> web site and they have locked themselves out of special notices.
> That last tidbit is very surprising to me.  I would have thought that 
> maybe 1/10 that many would go to the hassle of reading the mail 
> through a web browser.

I've always wondered about that myself. Reading a yahoo (or even a true 
'usenet' group) via a web site is soooooo sloooowwwwww, and you have no 
way of knowing which msgs you've read until you actually open the msg 
(or can remember by looking at the subject and author...)

> 1694 are in "Fully Featured" mode, the rest are either in "Default" 
> or "Traditional" mode.  The "Default" mode ones haven't made a choice 
> yet.  Yahoo may make one for them at some point.

Not sure what you mean by that...???

Jim Barbour

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