At 11:41 AM 02/23/07, you wrote:
> >> Careful! Antenex and Antennex are two different companies.
> >> The antenna John is asking about is a 4 bay dipole array
> >> (non-folded). Gary
>Christmas..! must have been drunk in my beer again?  Well... I've
>got both types of those antennas here... actually one at the top
>of a repeater site tower.
>I've used (and am currently using the YDA4404 450-470 model for a ham
>repeater off a master antenna system.  It also works killer! One
>item to our advantage is how the beam-tilt seems to move down some
>amount as you go below the 450 band edge. Great for us from a 2,350
>foot mountain top.  Since California is "right side up" on our 440
>to 450 band everything works out because our repeater receivers
>normally use the 455-449.9875 segment.

Careful there - NorCal is repeater-input high, and repeater-output low,
SoCal is the reverse.  Dividing line is the Santa Maria River.  There
are valid arguments for each method... Makes it lots of fun for the
guys in the middle ... they have to pick the frequencies carefully to
avoid lockups and a system output capturing someone elses input.

>Now... back to my face down on the table...

(Sound of snoring....)



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